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President of the Congress Armando Melani
SRS Symposium President Eduardo Parra-Davila
President of the Scientific Committee Christiano Claus
President of the Organizing Committee Marcelo Loureiro
Organizing Committee Flavio Malcher
Marcelo Furtado
Leandro Totti Cavazzola
Danielson Dimbarre
Giorgio Baretta
Reitan Ribeiro
General Videosurgery Committee Flavio Malcher
Leandro Totti Cavazzola
Andre Brandalise
Antonio Talvane
Bariatric Videosurgery Committee Carlos Domene
Caetano Marquesini
Manoel Galvao Neto
Coloproctology Videosurgery Committee Armando Melani
Gynecologic Videosurgery Committee William Kondo
Reitan Ribeiro
Urologic Videosurgery Committee Pedro Romanelli
Anibal Branco
Thoracic Videosurgery Committee Fernando Vanucci